Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pan-African Internationalism and the Land Question

The Pan-Africanist International Coordinating Committee has pledge itself to further develop and propagate revolutionary Pan-Africanist ideas and strategies so that African liberation forces worldwide can be more prepared and capable of leading a struggle to liberate Africa and African people from the grips of imperialism. As a part of this process, we want to explain our position on the land question for Africa and African people world wide.

It has often been stated that basis for all revolution is land. For colonized and neo-colonized people, the need to free the land from the grips of imperialism is fundamental. We initiate this discussion on the land question with the primary understanding that Africa is the national homeland of all African people, those in Africa and those of us forcibly dispersed throughout the world as a consequence of the transatlantic slave trade. Africa, her culture and all her wealth are the sole birthright of African people. We believe that African people no where on the planet Earth will know neither justice nor freedom until the parasitic relationship Africa has to the U.S., Europe, Japan and China is severed and Africa is able to produce for her own children’s interests.

We recognize that the crimes of slavery, colonialism and neo-colonialism are attacks committed against Africa. Slavery is not simply an attack against so-called African-Americans, Jamaicans or Afro-Brazilians, instead is a part of a series of assaults against Africa to facilitate the looting of Africa; with each phase of attack helping to disperse African people and exploit our labor.
The transatlantic slave trade first looted the human resources of Africa. Then, with a dispersed African population, came the subjugation and division of Africa and African people to implement colonialism in order to carry out the extraction of natural resources and launch international capitalism. Finally, to sustain imperialism and keep Africa dependent, neo-colonialism was implemented so that we could never feed, cloth and house ourselves on our own terms.

The economic and political domination of Africa is a key component in the maintenance of international capitalism. The socio-political structures of neo-colonialism have escalated many times over the theft of resources from Africa to maintain the capitalist development of the U.S., Europe and increasingly China. The poverty of African people, as a group internationally, is directly tied to the lack of wealth produced and controlled by Africa for herself. Nations in Africa and the western hemisphere controlled by large populations of African people are forced to have economic relationships with imperialist nations because Africa is not able to establish its own economic relationships to serve itself and its children. This state of existence has to be undone.

African people need to be free of imperialism and the neo-colonial governments that conspire with imperialism to hold the masses in check. A struggle for power, lead by African workers, to seize state power wherever we may be, under the principle African proletarian nationalism, should be the task of all revolutionary forces. In the process of building this organizational strength and capacity, the life of African workers, poor people and peasants must be transformed. In most places in the world, the immediate task of revolutionary parties lead by African workers will be to deal with neo-colonial forces functioning as gatekeepers protecting the interests of imperialist forces in their national territories. In Europe and North America, African workers are often the lowest paid or least employed while in Africa and the Caribbean, African workers and peasants are forced to produce wealth at near slave wages to supply international capitalist interests with materials to be sold at considerably marked up prices on the open market. The end result is that African workers and peasants are no longer producing resources that can be used to feed and cloth themselves and are forced to purchase products imported at cheaper prices than they can produce for themselves.

As the capacity of the revolutionary forces increase, the program of creating dual and contending institutions to serve the people must be use to seize liberated territory. These liberated zones must be established to create working models of socialist society that empower the masses of African people and gives them the ability to have power over their own lives. In the liberated zones, the influence of the African working class must rise and all efforts to undermine the African petty bourgeoisie must be carried out. The revolutionary capacity of the masses of African workers and poor people to challenge neo-colonialist governments must be heighten and used to win more space for the revolution. Revolutionary action that is able to overthrow neo-colonial governments should do so and implement a socialist workers’ state.

Once these liberated territories are secured, revolutionary forces leading the struggle must find ways to get resources and international support to revolutionary forces on the continent to sustain and support the struggle to liberate Africa from imperialism. History shows us that the existence of liberated territories will always be under threat while international capitalism is still able to function. To quicken the defeat of imperialism, resources liberated by the people must be sent to the legitimate revolutionary forces making struggle in Africa and other African nations in the western hemisphere to assist in the overthrow of imperialism.

Furthermore, liberated territories under the leadership of African workers must be consolidated and utilized to forward the building of a united Socialist Africa under the leadership of African workers and poor peasants. This means that on the African continent, African workers must over throw neo-colonialist forces to build a People’s Republic of Africa out of the liberated territories, regardless of the borders defined by imperialism. Citizenship most be bestowed on all African descendants world-wide you unite with the workers state and should have the right to repatriate to the Africa to assist in the building of the People’s Republic of Africa as full citizens.

In the Caribbean, African workers must overthrow neo-colonialism and implement workers states that are organized under the policy of proletarian nationalism domestically and Pan-African Internationalism internationally. The suppression of the comprador, African petty-bourgeoisie and building of a socialist society that distributes the wealth to African workers and poor peasants must begin. Resources, both human and material, badly needed by the revolutionary forces in other areas should be set up as quickly as possible to forward the defeat of imperialist.

In South America, the masses of African people led by African workers must unite with the indigenous peoples struggle to liberate their land from neo-colonialist and imperialist forces. In places where African workers have significant numbers, a national plebiscite should be called to determine the national destiny of African people in those regions to determine if they should repatriate back to Africa, create an independent workers’ socialist state or live in the states established by the indigenous liberation forces. Negotiations with indigenous forces as to the availability of land to build an independent state should begin when liberated territories are established to ensure principled acquisition of land by African people. Failure to secure land from the indigenous forces should not stop African people from taking control of resources created by our ancestors to serve autonomous African territories until repatriation to Africa can be secured.

In North America, the masses of African people led by African workers must unite with the indigenous peoples struggle to liberate their land from neo-colonialist and imperialist forces. It is incumbent of the revolutionary African front in North America to make it impossible for the reactionary forces of the U.S. to be able to deploy its sizable military and economic might to impact the revolutionary struggles of African workers in Africa and throughout the world. The liberating and deployment of material and human resources to key forces in Africa and other locations is fundamental as the U.S. has plundered and horded the wealth of the world in quantities never seen before. Liberated space in the African community must be won and consolidated through the strategy of dual and contending institutions. A national plebiscite should be called to determine the national destiny of African people in the U.S. and Canada to determine if they should repatriate back to Africa, create an independent workers’ socialist state or live in the states established by the indigenous liberation forces. Negotiations with indigenous liberation forces as to the availability of land to build an independent state should begin when liberated territories are established to ensure principled acquisition of land by African people. Failure to secure land from the indigenous forces should not stop African people from taking control of resources created by our ancestors to serve autonomous African territories until repatriation to Africa can be secured.

In Europe, African workers should unite with legitimate revolutionary forces to overthrow imperialist governments. Liberated zones should be established, where possible, in order to begin the process of preparing the African masses for self-rule. Since Europe is a major benefactor in the theft of African resources, revolutionary forces must work to liberate resources for the use by African revolutionaries to wage struggle in Africa or regions outside of Africa. A continental plebiscite should be called to determine the national destiny of African people in Europe to determine if they should repatriate back to Africa, create an independent workers’ socialist state or live in the states established by European revolutionary forces. Negotiations with revolutionary forces as to the availability of land to build an independent state should begin when liberated territories are established to ensure principled acquisition of land by African people. It is a general stance of the Pan-African Internationalist Coordinating Committee that Africans in Europe repatriate back to Africa or another African workers state with the liberated resources consolidated by the revolution.

Those this position does not go into detail how the land question should be resolved in any particular location; our intent is to present our overall position on how the liberating of land should play out as the demise of imperialism is complete.

Brother-Comrade Nnamdi Lumumba, UPP State Organizer

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